Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Willing... I am.

Now I have a hard time getting up in the morning… It really doesn’t matter what time it is. I have tried repeatedly to start a morning devotional time, but have had little success. I think it is partially due to what I get out of the study times I have had in the early morning… I will sit there and wonder where the pages have gone. I started in Luke 1 and now I am in Luke 4… Not knowing what happened in the mean time… But I am willing to do whatever God asks of me. So after praying about it for a couple of weeks, I decided to act. This thing will always just be an idea if we never make it more than that. God needs us to take action.

A good friend of mine “Steve Erickson” once said, “Truth and action in Christ is a ‘holy knot’, Teaching and doing are a package that must not be separated”.

I have to agree, it is the same way in business. We can have great business plan and ideas, but unless you get out there and take action, it will always be just a plan. Someone has to bring it to life. So Lord. I am willing to do the foot work! More than willing, I am excited and love the Idea of helping further your Kingdome! It is you who will have to bring it to life.

So the first Monday of every month, Lord willing, I will open my office, invite everyone to pray with me.

Mark 14:38Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

Trevor OUT>

1 comment:

Steve, Anne, Asher & Karis said...

Good words Trevor. I am with you in this. We need to be men of F.A.I.T.H.


The LORD will bless your efforts and you will get to see the power and presence of the LIVING GOD at work in and through you.